Well, Ruby tried that alphabet activity at the beginning of this week (see previous post), and it is a hit with her! She has made it entirely through the alphabet section and wants to go on to the beginning to read section (and I have allowed her to do a few activities so far, which she has understood).
Claire also wanted to try the alphabet "games" and did so this afternoon as I prepared dinner. Let's just say that I don't think she's ready for the computer part of it. Otherwise, she did fairly well. A laptop's touchpad is not the thing for her to learn on, though.
Having seen much more of this resource this week, I still have a favorable view of what they offer and how user friendly it is for children. It is very logically set up, and Ruby has not had a hard time navigating her way from one page/activity to another. (I should probably mention that she has had virtually no web-surfing experience up to this point, though Case and I have worked with her a bit on using a mouse.)
My only wish is that they had a few more games and activities to choose from to "drill" a little more. I just don't know that she's completely ready to move on to the next level yet.