Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Herd Overheard

Every so often, I plan to do a post of strange or amusing things I've heard my children say (or things I hear myself or Casey say to them).

Here's hoping you enjoy them as much as I have!

Ruby to Mommy: "People say 'cheers' when they want to." Sept. 19

Claire to Daddy: "You're bossing me right and left!" Sept. 21

Ruby to Mommy: "We love ours chother" (each other) Oct 2

Ruby praying in another room: "God, please don't let me die and make me into a woman." Oct. 9

Claire to Daddy (as he changes her diaper): "It's too tight. I need it rooster." Oct. 13

Believe it or not, Haley was actually sleeping in this position until shortly before I took this picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing and hil-arious little child-sayings! Haley actually looks quite comfy.